Sneaky Green Smoothie!

Ever since I got a Ninja from my parents this past Christmas (yes, I asked for it, and no, I am not embarrassed about that), I have been obsessed with making smoothies.  The individual cup attachments make it so easy to whip up a super healthy breakfast or snack in no time!


Usually I stick to the basic milk, yogurt, banana, berry combinations, but today I tried something I never thought I would – a GREEN SMOOTHIE! Meaning… WITH SPINACH! I know it’s healthy for you, but spinach? Liquified? In my smoothie?!

I found a recipe online and tweaked it a little bit and I am so shocked by how good it is and how I can’t even taste those green leaves.  That is why I have named it… the SNEAKY green smoothie.

I used…

  • 1 banana
  • a few big spoonfuls of yogurt (I like Fage Nonfat 0% Greek Yogurt)
  • a little skim milk
  • a handful of blueberries (you could use any kind of berry!)
  • 2 handfuls of baby spinach
  • 1 orange, peeled and segmented (watch out for seeds!)
  • honey to taste if you crave extra sweetness

I didn’t think I could fit all of this in the cup and blend at once, so I started with the banana, blueberries, milk, and spinach first, and then added the yogurt and orange after.


The thing I love about smoothies is that there’s no right way to make them.  You can add whatever fruits you like and as much milk/yogurt as you want for your desired consistency.  So, feel free to tweak this recipe as you wish. But you HAVE to keep the spinach! Just trust me!